Tuesday, November 30, 2010

10/10 Questions to ask about a short sale

"Today I am breaking down the 10 questions you should ask before putting an offer on a short sale. It’s worth knowing why you want answers to these rather than just asking because you think you should. Some of the reasons may surprise you.

Question number 10- How many short sales have you closed?

This is a gut check question for the buyers agent as well as..."

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9/10 Questions to ask about a short sale

"Today I am breaking down the 10 questions you should ask before putting an offer on a short sale. It’s worth knowing why you want answers to these rather than just asking because you think you should. Some of the reasons may surprise you.

Question number 9- Do you have the complete “package” ready to go to the bank once you have an offer?

The complete “package” is all of..."

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8/10 Questions to ask about a short sale

"Today I am breaking down the 10 questions you should ask before putting an offer on a short sale. It’s worth knowing why you want answers to these rather than just asking because you think you should. Some of the reasons may surprise you.

Question number 8- Have you started the short sale process with the bank?

I know you are probably saying, “Are you kidding?” with this..."

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7/10 Questions to ask about a short sale

"Today I am breaking down the 10 questions you should ask before putting an offer on a short sale. It’s worth knowing why you want answers to these rather than just asking because you think you should. Some of the reasons may surprise you.

Question number 7- Has a sheriff’s sale been scheduled or taken place?

In the state of Minnesota there is a six ..."

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6/10 Questions to ask about a short sale

"Today I am breaking down the 10 questions you should ask before putting an offer on a short sale. It’s worth knowing why you want answers to these rather than just asking because you think you should. Some of the reasons may surprise you.

Question number 6- Will the seller consider signing a promissory note if asked to by the lender(s)?

Does the seller want to preserve some of their credit? Are they able and.."

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5/10 Questions to ask about a short sale

"Today I am breaking down the 10 questions you should ask before putting an offer on a short sale. It’s worth knowing why you want answers to these rather than just asking because you think you should. Some of the reasons may surprise you.

Question number 5- What is the total amount owed on all of the loans?

Getting this question answered will help you determine.."

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4/10 Questions to ask about a short sale

"Today I am breaking down the 10 questions you should ask before putting an offer on a short sale. It’s worth knowing why you want answers to these rather than just asking because you think you should. Some of the reasons may surprise you.

Question number 4- Who are the banks that are involved?

You always want to know who..."

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3/10 Questions to ask about a short sale

"Today I am breaking down the 10 questions you should ask before putting an offer on a short sale. It’s worth knowing why you want answers to these rather than just asking because you think you should. Some of the reasons may surprise you.

Question number 3- How many liens are on the property?

This is a biggie. The more liens..."

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1/10 Questions to ask about a short sale

"Today I am breaking down the 10 questions you should ask before putting an offer on a short sale. It’s worth knowing why you want answers to these rather than just asking because you think you should. Some of the reasons may surprise you.

Question number 1- Are there any offers on the property?

This one is obvious to..."

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2/10 Questions to ask about a short sale

"Today I am breaking down the 10 questions you should ask before putting an offer on a short sale. It’s worth knowing why you want answers to these rather than just asking because you think you should. Some of the reasons may surprise you.

Question number 2- If there is an offer already, can I still submit my offer?

Good to know ahead of..."

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Buying a short sale? Read this first

"The answer is patience, plain and simple. If you want a deal you have to wait for it. Please keep this in mind it will go along way to keeping you sane during the process. There are so many moving parts to a short sale that it makes things move slower than in other transactions. This doesn’t mean that you as a buyer can’t position yourself to cut out many of the unknowns before you make an offer. Making sure you have a check list as a buyer of specific questions that you get answers to before you write an offer will go a long way to helping you manage your expectations. The more you know going in the better off you will be. Starting with...."

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Market update 11/16/10

"We have seen a steep decline in new listings over the last week, which is very typical for this time of year. As I have said before this actually makes for a great market opportunity for the sellers who have kept their home on the market. The buyers this time of year have historically been more serious because they need to move. This in many cases will give the sense of urgency to the buyers who are on the fence as the choices of homes go down...."

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Why you should you buy a home before the end of the year

"I am sure you are probably getting tired of hearing now is the time to buy but you are reading this. I have spoken to so many buyers recently that want to buy a home but keep waiting for the market to bottom out. It has for the most part bottomed out at this point. The reason that most people don’t know this is because the media is always 8 months to a year behind what is going on in the real estate market. They also have a habit of looking at things from a national perspective vs. locally. Bottom line this can cost you money in the long run by waiting too long. Here are 5 reasons to buy now vs. waiting..."

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